I am a senior student studying computer science at the University of Liverpool, expected to graduate in June 2022.

I am also working on my final year project under the supervision of Prof. Danushka Bollegala. Previously, I also did bioinformatics project under the supervision of Prof. Jionglong Su and Prof. Meng Jia.

My research interests are natural language processing, vision-language, bioinformatics and AI-composing.

Ongoing Projects (More details to be released!)

Word Sense Disambiguation

  • Conducting different methodologies in improving the accuracy of word sense disambiguations

Past Projects

Automatic Background Music Matching Website

  • In this project we aimed to build a website to provide suitable music for a give clip of video based on its emotion
  • I am resposible for the algorithm part and database maintainance part.
  • You can see the demo here: MugicAI demo link.